Friday, September 9, 2011

Taking Journalism Courses from Home

Taking Journalism Courses from Home is a trend that has sprouted like mushroom overnight due to technological advances like websites, blog sites and even Twitter. Media has been like no other since it has gone digital. Writing, editing, and interviewing are but ordinary skill sets for journalists nowadays. Computer knowledge is a must and computer knowledge does not end with typing abilities and skills. Nor are computers used mainly for editing or proofreading for news and articles to be published at a later time. To be honed as journalists in the 21st century also means to be adept at creating and maintaining blog site and websites.

Journalism Schools announced changes in curriculum and requirements to include taking technical oriented classes aside from reporting. With that some begin to wonder if the basics for news gathering are being set aside in favor of tech related trainings. Changes in News, press, communication and journalism are an ever changing tremendous pace. The key to staying in pace is to learn from home. Changes and learning could be done so with just a mouse click. And being up to date means having an increase in employability chances as well. Learning to blend technology with the basics of journalism knowhow must be the route to take to do better in this field of expertise tough Journalism basics skills must not be reduced in favor of tech skills.  Technical Skills and knowhow should be there to complement skills in writing, editing and other skills needed to be a good journalist.

Having a major in journalism gives you a solid foundation of the trade and the skills needed in the trade. Writing is a skill that is developed and polished while taking up the training set by the courses. Writing has different categories and styles depending on what you intend to write on. Writing also takes to consider the target audience you have in mind. Writing about sports is different from writing as a film critic or even news writing at that. Sports writers have to be knowledgeable in the sport they’re writing about and include the key players of the sport.  Film Critics have to learn the art of constructive criticism and have to learn about filming, from making the film to watching it.  News writers have to be there “when it happens” for there would be no essence in writing something that has been a passé.

After knowing the different categories and styles for writing, learning which writing style suits you or where you are headed is the next step. Know what you’re comfortable writing about and who your target audience would be. The core of journalism is not writing per se, it includes being able to interview and do a good report after. Simply put, it's making sure we get the facts right without having our emotions reflect our sentiments while writing. Writing should be unbiased as being biased may distort the truth.

Journalism reports on the truth, the statement of it and not misconstruing it for the benefit of writing and capturing audience alone. Journalism is one field of expertise where theory and practice are two different skill sets. What one learns in the classroom gives the individual only a limited knowledge of what one learns through experience. Experience in journalism is not as simple as learning and developing your writing skills. As they say, to be a good journalist and reporter, you have to be where the action is. Blogging on topics already found in the internet may be a way for you to hone your writing skills but blogging about something you interviewed someone about is totally different. It becomes first-hand news to be blogged about and commented by someone else.

Remember what we said earlier, about blending your computer skills and your journalism skills to work for you? Leg work should not be totally ignored. With tech gizmos like palm, androids, and pads which are a whole lot easier to carry around due to their light weight and size, journalism is set to be precise when it happens and where it happens.  Interviews are no longer done with pen and paper or a tape recorder as digital imaging is also available on the said gizmos. Technology must work for you and not the other way around.

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