Saturday, October 15, 2011

Nutrition and Fitness Program for Weight Loss

Almost all weight lost programs define weight loss as simply eating less than the calories you can burn or vice versa. As simple as it is stated, it is just that. It’s easier said than done for if it was that easy to do it too then weight loss would never have been and would never be a problem. Nor would they have come up with diet programs, pills and fitness gadgets in the first place. Losing weight instantly when following a certain program guarantees that you instantly gain in back as soon as you’re out of the program. The key to weight loss is not trying to lose weight instantly as the diets, pills and gadgets promise you when they are advertised. It’s trying to understand the concept behind the Nutrition and Fitness Programs, stick with the programs that you think you can work with and lose weight gradually.  As they say, “slowly but surely.”

Speaking of sayings, people often associate Nutrition and Fitness Courses with coaches and leaders in fitness. But since learning entails the art of discipline just as much as fitness is defined by discipline then anyone can learn nutrition and fitness and be a coach and a leader in no time for as long as you have the passion and the discipline to do so.

First things first in order for you to start burning calories as needed. You have to know how many calories your body needs at a day to day basis. This is to ensure that your body functions well. BMR or the base rate for metabolism is needed for you to know how many calories your body functions like breathing and digesting use up. BMR is not equal for everybody. Tables used are per bracket depending on the age and the body built. Yet to be more accurate, there are handheld gadgets that read your BMR instantly. These gadgets are more accurate in giving individual BMR’s rather than basing your BMR or the tables and charts given buy nutritionists. You can also use the estimation formulas available for calculating BMR but as they are so named, they only give you an estimate of what your BMR should be.  You also have to make sure that when you use these formulas use the formula for your gender. BMR for males is usually greater than that of females and computations use a different bench mark.

Once you have your BMR, try to calculate your calorie intake. To be as accurate as possible, use a journal to write down all you ate and drank for a week. Your journal should include the calorie count of the food and drink you had per day. Then take the average of your daily calorie intake.

Then keep a separate journal for all the activities you did for that same week. The journal should also include the calories you can burn doing such activities. Then take your average daily activity calories.

The next step is simple to do the math. Don’t worry though as its simple math, nothing complicated just a little addition and subtraction. Add your average daily activity calories to your BMR. After adding both, subtract your average daily calorie intake. This is one of the times that the negative works positively for you. If the answer you getting from subtracting you average daily calorie intake from the total you had by adding the BMR and average daily activity calories is a negative number then you’re prone to lose weight. It simply means your burning more calories than you are actually eating.

If the number you get is a positive number then the red lights are on. This may mean you would be gaining weight as you’re eating more calories than you can burn. In this case, try to do more activities or try to lessen your food intake or eat something healthier with lesser calories. Try to go back to your journal check the food and drinks you had for the week and see if you can either substitute the meals you had or eat something entirely different. Don’t go changing your full diet and meals though. Remember you took note of the calorie intake per meal so try to check those that have lots of calories and afford the highest calorie intake and substitute those meals.

If the number you get after subtracting is 0 then it means your burning exactly the same amount of calories as you are eating. Which means you would neither lose weight nor gain weight at that.

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