Monday, November 28, 2011

E-Learning – Advantages of E-Learning Over Traditional Training Programs

Many modern education experts are starting to consider e-learning as the way to provide education to as many people as possible today and in the near future.  E-learning covers a wide selection of educational methods – from distance learning using computers and the internet, referred to in various names such as computer based learning (CBL), web-based training (WBT), or internet-based training (IBT), to various applications for delivering educational contents in the classroom such as CD-ROMs. It can be used together with other learning methods; it practically combines traditional classroom-based instruction and computer-based activities.

The key to the effective use of any e-learning program lies in the richness and depth of the program’s contents and manner of delivery.  You can use a sophisticated presentation program and state of the art computers but, just as in a conventional presentation using a chalk and blackboard, if your presentation skills are nil and the slides you created are boring, there would be little to no incentive at all for the learners to participate and interact with you.  The good news however, is that many software are being developed to help enhance our presentation skills and the quality of the slide presentation we can make out of the educational materials we use. There is a big chance that we can be able to create effective, in-depth, immersive and effective learning solutions that learners will find interesting and enriching.

A good e-learning program must be both flexible and collaborative. Being flexible, it can be customized to suit the individual learner’s requirements and limitations.  As a collaborative tool for education, e-learning works because it is a product of various technologies and disciplines that work together towards an effective content delivery solutions. E-learning programs must be interactive, which means learners experience immersion within the program; they not only read for understanding but work with the program, completing tasks and assignments to solve simple and complex problems. In other words, learners don’t just read or listen to talks; they do something with their hands, clicking buttons, deciding with tasks to do and receive either a visual or audio response to confirm their choice, and tell them they were either right or wrong. Interactivity ensures that learners retain more information.

Just as in traditional learning styles, being able to motivate learners is a must for any e-learning programs. Taking video games as an example, it is easy to understand how a video game motivates players to finish a game in spite of the difficulty a player encounters while trying to kill the boss. A video game is replete with all the elements of game play fans are looking for – colorful, full-action animation, spectacular audio and video effects, use of multimedia types  – everything is fun and excitement for the player. Being able to motivate the learners means being able to arouse their interest and curiosity, which leads to better understanding and retention of the lessons.

Companies can benefit greatly and save a lot of money if they integrate e-learning with their traditional training methods. Once a program has been produced, which can be done inexpensively, it can be used repeatedly and in any place within the organization. It can be modified accordingly as needed in any department.  Employees that need training don’t have to go expensive training facilities outside the company; they can do it at their own convenience right at their own computer and desk. They don’t have to assemble together as a large group, which means loss of productivity for the company.  Each employee can do a self-paced e-learning program where he or she can go through the modules when they are ready and receptive to the lessons. There are studies that prove students learn faster with e-learning because individual learners can skip the subject matters that they already know and study instead those that are new to them. And since the program is already set, the lessons are consistent and the learner’s progress can be easily tracked.

1 comment:

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