Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Practical Guide on Effective Business Writing

Most people desire financial freedom more than financial stability considering that the former is a position wherein one has the resources to buy whatever he wants, whenever or wherever he wants it without having to think twice. This state of being financially free, however, is not for everyone as it is reserved for those who are courageous and bold enough to take risks.

One cannot deny the fact that unless one engages in his own business or find a way to be in control of his own finances, financial freedom would remain just a dream. If one is merely employed in a company, regardless of the pay or position, he can only accept what is given to him by the organization and he cannot demand anything more.

For those brave souls who took the challenge and decided to be their own boss their venture will not be easy especially in the first few stages. There are numerous skills to learn, one of which is effective business writing as this is an official way to communicate not only with the clients but in the business community as well. Fortunately, one no longer needs to go to an educational institution just to be able to gain this skill as there are numerous online correspondence courses that one can take. This learning mode is advantageous for busy individuals considering that the student gets to decide the schedule and the place where he wants to take classes for as long as he can connect online. Traveling to and from school is no longer necessary and one can even take courses in the comforts of his own home in the middle of the night. Furthermore, the pace of the lessons depends on the learner; he can go as fast or as slow as he wants.

If you are one of those who took the plunge you would probably have experience by now how important it is to know at least the basics of business writing considering that business people are expected to write memos, proposals, business plans, and other written documents. Although nothing can take the place of signing up for classes to be competent in this area, here are practical tips that can help you improve your business writing skills:
  • Keep it as concise as possible – it is not a secret that for people who engage in business, time is equivalent to money that is why when you communicate with other business individuals such as yourself, make sure that you get right to the point. The reader of your letter should be able to know what you want after reading the first part of your correspondence.
  • Use readily understandable words – keep in mind that this is business and not creative writing; your main purpose is to get your message across in the shortest time possible. To be able to achieve this you need to use plain words that could be readily understood in a glance.
  • Make sure to check for mistakes – after writing your business correspondence, you need to make sure that the same is free from typographical and grammatical error, especially with regard to the name, designation and other facts about the receiver of the letter. Remember that professional individuals always aim for perfection in everything they do.

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