Sunday, April 8, 2012

Things to Keep in Mind when Photographing People

One of the more common subjects that we like to photograph is other people. This may be as simple as people that we know, our friends or relatives, or photographing people professionally. Whatever it is, there is still a certain way of how you should photograph people so that you may bring out the best in their appearance. In order to do this, you may need to follow some of these tips to make your photos appear a lot better and look professionally done.

One thing that you can do is to have a shallow depth of field, which can be done by standing back and zooming in your camera. This is very good in portrait photography as the background is blurred out while the focus is on the person that you are taking a picture of. This emphasizes your subject as opposed to a landscape photo wherein you try to focus on everything by utilizing a higher depth of field.

The first thing that people would usually look at in photos of people is the eyes. As much as possible, you should put the focus on their eyes so that it would look like you are looking to the person’s eyes in real life.

There are two ways of how you can take picture of people, either candid or by asking them to look and pose for the camera. Choosing which photo to take depends on the situation. If a person is doing something interesting or asking them to look at the camera may ruin the moment, then it is of course better to take a candid shot. This is especially for those people that do not know how to pose in front of the camera as their picture will surely appear fake. But there are also people who can easily pose well even if they have a camera pointed at them and this is the time where you can take picture of them.

One thing that shouldn’t be done is using standard flash, unless of course it is too dark to take a picture. Standard flash causes a strong light to be reflected by the face which will tend to show any blemishes on a person’s face. In addition to this, the background may tend to look unnaturally darker. Balancing the use of natural light and shade is the best way thing to use when photographing people.

An important thing to remember is that photos of people are about the person itself and the emotions that they are able to project. Just because a photo has bad lighting does not mean that it should be discarded right away. Some of the best photos of people are taken during the spur of a moment and were not really thought of or prepared for.

These are just some of the things that you can try when it comes to taking photographs of people. You can take lessons to help develop your skill in photography and keep on practicing so that you may eventually start taking pictures like a professional.

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