Friday, December 2, 2011

Editing And Proofreading Courses – Beyond Correcting Other People’sWritten Oeuvres

Have you ever tried writing an essay, forgetting about it and then reading it, say after a week?  Those who are not used to it might be surprised to realize that they committed such horrible grammatical errors, not to mention typographical ones that they should have caught while writing the piece. Some might not even recognize their own written ideas, perhaps glowing at the thought that they have written what they consider as great content. Well, it could actually be either great or nonsense, but whatever it might be, editing and proofreading the piece can provide the needed correction, revision and rewriting according to established norms of writing – logically, structurally, and content wise on one hand, and where spelling, grammar and punctuation are concerned on the other.  Editing and proofreading are separate concepts but are often done at the same time by the person doing it, although it is best done by a person other than the author. You would have done this every time you wrote an essay or did a composition assignment in school and before you submitted your work.  It is a way to make sure that your work is perfect and error free. But did you know that you could do this professionally?  By taking editing and proofreading courses, you can prepare yourself for a career as an editor and proofreader.

The good thing about professional editors and proofreaders is that they get paid real money to read books, magazines and newspapers! They are much in demand by diverse companies such as printers, advertising agencies, publishers and law firms.  You can become one and work from home too, either part-time or full-time. Running an editing and proofreading company of your own is a real possibility.  You can accept educational books, business documents, manuscripts, student texts, magazine features, advertisements, newspaper articles for editing and proofreading. In fact, there are a lot of opportunities for this kind of work in the country and internationally.  This is a good career option not only for those who are into reading but also for those whose job involves writing since taking editing and proofreading courses can vastly enhance your writing and the skills you learn can elevate the articles you write to high professional standards. This could lead you to work as a freelance writer, reporter, copywriter, advertiser or novelist.  Those who work in these fields need to have excellent editing and proofreading skills. If you prefer, you can focus either on being an editor or proofreader only, honing your skills on one area to perfection.

Writing has become so easy to do these days because of computers.  With good word processing software, you can write your piece anytime you want, save it, and continue to write later without any problem.  You can see how it will print on paper or appear as you want it on the computer monitor.

Correcting spelling is a cinch because of built-in spelling corrector. You don’t have to worry because it can be done automatically. All you need is creativity, imagination and a good command of the language you are using to write. But if you want to become an editor and proofreader professionally, you must learn how to do it correctly.  You need to have real interest in this kind of job besides enjoying reading and writing.  You will be correcting other people’s creative written composition so you must possess a better than average command of the language in addition to excellent knowledge of grammar, spelling and punctuation, your primary tools for proofreading. Because you will be working for long periods, you must be able to concentrate without fail and maintain focus on the details. To become a professional editor, you need to have sympathy, imagination, sense of humor and insight in order to go deep into the idea of the composition.  This will help you possess the mind of the author so you can better express in explicit words the thought that the original author lacked or failed to say in the piece. Editors must also have a mind that is orderly and well-balanced as this will help in focusing the perspective of the article and give it a sense of proportion. You will be a good editor if you can set aside your personal feelings about the subject matter and see it from the reader’s point of view. And because the writings you are editing will most certainly be published, you should be familiar with the laws on libel, invasion of privacy, copyright and contempt.

Lifestyle Learning Direct's editing and proofreading courses can open up the road to a professional career as editor and proofreader for you.  They have an excellent track record for training people who have proven themselves as excellent editors and proofreaders in the fields where they worked after taking these courses. You too can benefit from taking these courses, working either full or part time, at home or in any of the companies needing professional editors and proofreaders in the country or anywhere around the world.

1 comment:

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