Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Short Courses For Long Term Career Gains

Great minds that dominated civilizations around the world have always advocated for spreading knowledge by educating the people.  However, for them, education is not just acquiring knowledge and remaining contented afterwards.  Education has to continue, and indeed for the rest of one’s life. But most of us just want to enroll in a college course, finish the degree, and work in a career that we are supposed to love and for the rest of our lives too. In reality however, many of those who work today feel that they are not in the job they really wanted.  They feel less satisfied and worse, not compensated enough. They know too, that they are not qualified for the next higher position because they lack the credentials and training for it.  In spite of this knowledge though, they wouldn’t do anything to overcome their limitations. The solution to get out of this predicament is to enroll in short courses where they can learn new skills that can qualify them to take on the responsibilities of other positions.

You may want to change your career for a new, more fulfilling one but then again, you lack the required background and training.  Or there may be changes in the company where you are working and new opportunities for higher, better paying positions are being offered. Acquiring an extra qualification can enable you to apply for that position.

Taking short courses suits best those who are currently working but want to try new career paths that are different from what they prepared for when they were in school. Each short course is designed to teach you what you must do and what mistakes you should avoid. They are usually focused and intensive, lasting for about six weeks. Short courses are ideal for those seeking promotion in their current jobs or those who want to gain new perspective and learn the latest trend in the industry or other related ones to where they have been working. A good example would be a journalist or writer who wants to know more about being a photographer. Having photography skills can enhance a journalist’s writing and point of view and thus can open more opportunities for him or her as a photojournalist. A hairstylist can take short courses on hair salon management and thus can aspire to become a salon manager or owner in the future.

Enrolling in short courses can also help you determine your readiness or aptitude for another job or professional career.  As you study a course, your mind will be opened to the possibilities of pursuing a career related to your course.  You can realize as you go through the course if you have what it takes to become what you initially proposed to be in the future before you took the course. The advantage here is that you wouldn’t have spent a lot of money just to discover if you are really for that particular career. You can also take short courses for your personal development if not for any professional reasons.

Most of those who take short courses are adults who already have a job, either full or part-time. Because of this, they often prepare distance learning programs or online studies where they have the convenience of studying at home and not have to attend classes in a school.  This type of short courses also allow them to have flexible schedules and study time, and thus they are still free to pursue their other interests, continue to work and earn money, and be with their families.  Online short courses are perfect for the working adult who can combine studies, work and family life at the same time without compromising anyone of them.

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