Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Design an Online Course for Adult Learners

Ironically, most teachers are trained to use teaching methods that are in conjunction with every stage of a child's maturation. These methods however, do not apply when they are teaching adults. Adults learn very differently from how the children learn. The needs of an adult learner is very diverse  but most of them have the desire for self-direction and taking responsibility in making their own decisions.

Teachers who are tasked with teaching adult learners are placed under training courses that makes them qualified to administer programs in corporate learning and higher education. Needless to say, these programs, although rich with information fail to address the adult learners needs. Therefore, in designing an online course for an adult learner, one should be aware of their inherent needs and create a curriculum that satisfies these desires.

An instructor must keep in mind why an adult wants to learn in order to formulate an effective method of instruction. Adults tend to learn better by gaining experience. They also need to know the reasons why they have to learn this particular subject matter. Adults will approach learning like a case of problem-solving. And adults will learn best if the topic at hand will be of value to them.

So in designing an online course for the adult learner there are 4 general principles that coaches, business trainers, university educators and instructional designers need to apply in order to make it the most effective form of instruction.

First, is the readiness principle. The training provided for should clearly address the needs of the learner in order for them to realize the relevance of the learning materials.

Second, the experience principle is applied when the instructor allows the adult learners to share their experiences into the course.

Third, autonomy principle, allows the adult learners to have control over their own paths of learning by means of relevant activities and exercises.

Fourth, action principle, puts emphasis on the clear connections between the lessons being taught and in the real world wherein it is applied.

To apply these principles into a learning scenario, as an example, you may have a group of middle management executives taking an online course on business correspondence. By making them realize the importance of how to improve their methods of communication such as using the right format in writing a business proposal or the different forms of business letters, they can greatly enhance their  working relationships with their clients. This improvement in how they communicate may develop into lasting business relationships, gaining the confidence of prospective clients and improving the bottom line figure of their company. This module may be the important key for their career advancement.

The online course may include skill sets wherein the learners can participate thru virtual interaction or working on challenging assignments where they will have the freedom to express their opinions, thoughts and inputs. The learning materials you can provide are chapters of a book that can independently stand on its own with relevance to the subject that is being taught. The instructional format should be reinforced using the latest mediums of technology such as the internet, computer, webinars, links and others so that their learning is exercised thru interactive actual experience.

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