Sunday, December 4, 2011

Learning How to Care for the Environment Through Environmental Studies

No matter where you are it is almost impossible for you not to notice the different changes that are happening in our environment. Flash floods, global warming, melting of the ice, tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes are just some of the warning signs that we have to have to heed so that we will not be in the worst possible state in the future. Considering the adverse effects of environmental neglect, there is a steadily increasing number of people who are finally taking notice by planning and taking action on how to preserve the same.

A lot of these people are students of environmental studies which essentially focus on studying the relationship between humans and their environment. The course also covers preservation of the earth and its natural resources, among others. During these times when natural calamities are prevalent it is critical to be involved, albeit in small ways, to take care of our surroundings. There are numerous reasons why involvement in “green” activities and actions is important, such as the following:

  • Earth’s limited capacity – no matter how enormous the earth is, there is still a limit as regards to its capacity to absorb waste and capability to provide for the fast growing number of persons living in it; hence, if the population continuous to live in its destructive ways, the risk that the earth will reach its irreversible limit may come sooner than expected.

  • Depletion of renewable resources – although resources such as soil, water, and plants have the ability to regenerate, all of these are currently depleting because people are utilizing them beyond their renewal capacity.  Population growth, increase in consumption of natural resources, and continuous increase in waste production altogether negate the regeneration ability of such resources; thus, if the same persists it will not be surprising if natural resources will become mere memory.

The items mentioned above may not take much writing space but one can never undermine the meaning of both – death to humans. Considering the years of lack of concern and ignorance, people, consciously or unconsciously are working towards their own extinction. Hence, before it is too late, you should at least be aware and support initiatives for cleaner and greener environment even if you are not a student of environmental studies.

Nevertheless, if you decide to be serious in knowing more about how to care and manage the environment and eventually start a career doing this, it is much easier for you to do so in this day and age of modern technology. Taking a course related to this concern is a lot more convenient and possible no matter how busy you are through distance learning. This learning approach allows you to juggle another career or other responsibilities while acquiring basic skills and knowledge on caring for the environment. Correspondence learning provides flexibility that regular classroom classes could never provide as you are basically in charge of your schedule, pace, and growth. If you want to finish the course the shortest possible time, then no structured curriculum will hinder you from doing so. In a similar manner, if you want to take it slow and easy, you don’t have to suffer the embarrassment of being “behind” in class because your only competition and ally is yourself. Distance education has open doors of opportunities for those seeking for career growth and advancement and even those who are contemplating on shifting field of expertise.

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