Sunday, February 12, 2012

What is Marine Studies All About?

I've always wondered what Marine Studies was all about. Marine life always fascinated me and  it is quite relaxing to watch fish underwater. I once had the experience of going snorkeling in the waters of Boracay, in the Philippines. The clear blue waters provided the amazing background to the colorful underwater life. There were corals that were vivid blue and fish of different colors would swim past me. When you throw in a piece of bread into the water the fish will swim towards you and surround you as if in a frenzy. When you experience something wonderful like this, you'd want to keep the waters clean and the fish to keep on living.

Marine Studies is basically about how to conserve the marine ecology systems. The marine environment is not only limited to the deep blue oceans and seas. There are ecological systems that thrive in smaller bodies of water like reefs, lakes and shallow waters. When you take this course you will encounter all sorts of fish from the biggest to the smallest species. All sorts of marine mammals will be studied as well the the animals that live and strive above water like seabirds, sea snakes and turtles.

You may or may not pursue a career as a marine environmentalist, but having the basic knowledge of how to conserve marine life can do your society good. Realizing the impact of humans on their marine environments and in fishing gave me a more conservative perspective about my environment.

I now volunteer in groups that help clean up trash from the ocean. I use my diving skills to apply what I have learned thru my correspondence course in protecting the fish under water as well as the animals that live around the areas near bodies of water. I am seriously considering a career shift into becoming a full time marine biologist.

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